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Hicksville Bankruptcy Lawyer Focusing Exclusively on Nassau County and New York Bankruptcy Law

If you find yourself burdened by debt, I'm ready to take my 25 years of experience as a lawyer dedicated to bankruptcy practice to help you move toward the optimal financial resolution regardless of your circumstances.

Because of the complexity that filing can present, it's of utmost importance to have an advocate who can clear up any ambiguities. In the recent financial climate, bankruptcy has become a popular area of practice, and many attorneys who have focused on other areas of law have recently begun flocking to bankruptcy. These attorneys, frankly, do not have the comprehensive understanding to handle the most complex aspects of bankruptcy.

Because I was in bankruptcy court prior to even becoming an attorney, more than 20 years ago, am in bankruptcy court many times a week, and it's all I practice, there's no issue for which I'm not prepared. In addition to my bankruptcy experience, I have also studied accounting, economics and finance in college, giving me a holistic approach to these situations.

Unlike other larger firms, I work directly with my clients. I don't hand them off to paralegals or secretaries. I take the time to understand their concerns because I know that the way to arrive at an ideal solution is to combine my depth of competency with a commitment to their needs.
I got into bankruptcy to help people. I've seen people nervous, scared, concerned and even embarrassed about their circumstances. They've come to me and I've helped them fix their situation by eliminating debt, developed plans to make payments and keep assets. I've opened the door to financial freedom for hundreds of clients, and I'm ready to do the same for you.

My office is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and after hours meetings are available by request.
To schedule a free initial consultation to discuss any bankruptcy issue with Scott R. Schneider, call 516-433-1555 or e-mail him here.
I am a federally designated debt relief agency. I help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.