Long Island Bankruptcy Lawyer

Bankruptcy can be complex, no doubt.

That's why I'm here — to make the complex simple.

I understand what people are going through when they are filing for bankruptcy. There are many misconceptions about bankruptcy and people often think that it will damage their credit beyond repair or that life after bankruptcy means a kind of "scarlet letter" from which people will not be able to recover.

Because I've been practicing bankruptcy exclusively for more than two decades, I'm here to tell you that these misconceptions could not be further from the truth.

Bankruptcy may be an ideal solution, and there's a good chance you will be able to keep the assets that mean most to you, including your car and house.

Need Debt Relief? File Bankruptcy in Nassau and Suffolk County, New York

As a lawyer, I'm able to bring my experience to work on bankruptcy issues, including:

The automatic stay
Chapter 13
Chapter 7
Pending lawsuits and student loans
Lien stripping/second mortgages
Loan modifications and other alternatives to bankruptcy
Stop wage garnishment
Stopping creditor harassment
Chapter 11

I'm committed to working one-on-one with clients to understand their financial situations and what financial success looks like in the long term.

Unlike other firms, I know that successful outcomes can only come when experienced advocates fully understand not only bankruptcy law, but what the right resolution looks like for clients. Because of this, I always work one-on-one with them.

It's this approach that arrived at ideal outcomes in hundreds of cases, and I'm ready to apply it to yours.

To schedule a free initial consultation to discuss any bankruptcy issue with Long Island bankruptcy attorney Scott R. Schneider, call 516-433-1555 or e-mail him here.

I am a federally designated debt relief agency. I help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.