Stop Wage Garnishment With Bankruptcy

Unmanageable debt can create stress and severely impact personal and professional life, but when wage garnishment enters the equation, things become all the more serious.
If a creditors' rights firm or collection agency obtains a court judgment, a bank or wage garnishment can be set up where creditors can seize all funds. In addition, a wage garnishment can be the lesser of either 10 percent of your gross income or 25 percent of your net income, causing a serious threat to livelihood.
By utilizing the automatic stay, however, an experienced bankruptcy attorney can stop a lien or garnishment by filing for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

Nassau County Creditor Garnishment

If you or a loved one is experiencing an issue with garnished wages by creditors, it's important to take immediate action. I understand the very serious issues that garnishment can present, and I'm here to help.
I can take my two decades of experience to ensure you are able to keep your wages and save funds in your bank account. I can file a day before payroll and immediately after filing contact the garnishing firm in question. The plan is to then immediately request a release of writ of garnishment and forward the release on to your company's human resources department. In practice, I can immediately stop garnishment and sometimes even get your money back from creditors.
I may also be able to work in cases of IRS wage garnishment.
To discuss how to stop wage garnishment with bankruptcy in a free initial consultation with New York bankruptcy lawyer Scott R. Schneider, call 516-433-1555 or e-mail him here.
I am a federally designated debt relief agency. I help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.